Liam Costner NetWorth, Age, Height, Weight, Relationships, Bio/Wiki and Family 2024

Liam Costner, son of famous actor Kevin Costner and actress Bridget Rooney, is a successful real estate agent who has made his fortune. Born on November 15, 1996, Liam is currently 28 years old and stands at a height of 5’11”.

He weighs around 150 pounds and is known for his charming looks and charismatic personality. Despite being born into a family of celebrities, Liam has chosen to pave his path in the real estate industry. In 2024, he is estimated to have a net worth of over $2 million.

Who is Liam Costner?

Liam Costner is a cool person who helps families find their perfect homes as a real estate agent. His dad is Kevin Costner, a famous actor, and his mom is Bridget Rooney, an actress. Liam decided to do something different from acting.

He loves his job because he makes people happy by finding them the best house. Liam also has fun hobbies like playing with dogs and drawing. He thinks it’s important to be nice to everyone and enjoys spending time with his family. Liam is creating his own story, showing that you can be whatever you want to be.

Liam Costner


Name Liam Costner
Birthdate 15 November 1996
Birthplace USA
Age 28 Years Old
Height 5 ft 11 in
Weight 62 kilogram
Profession Real Estate Agent
Net Worth $2 Million
Marital Status Unmarried
Parent Kevin Costner, Bridget Rooney
Siblings Annie, Lily, Joseph, Cayden, Hayes, and Grace
Nationality American


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Early Life and Eaduction

Liam Costner grew up in a world filled with lights, cameras, and action because of his famous parents. But even with all that excitement, his early days were much like any other kid’s. He played, laughed, and learned new things every day.

Liam went to school where he made friends, played games during recess, and worked hard in his classes. School was where he got to learn about all sorts of interesting stuff, like numbers, stories, and how to draw.

Drawing became one of his favourite things to do. Liam enjoyed school because it was a place where he could dream about what he wanted to become when he grew up. Every day was a new adventure, filled with learning and fun, setting the foundation for the person he would become.

Liam Costner Parents and Siblings

Liam Costner has a super famous dad and mom. His dad is Kevin Costner, who acts in movies and makes a lot of people happy by being on the big screen. Kevin is known for playing in big films where he often acts as a hero.

Liam’s mom, Bridget Rooney, also acts, which means she plays pretend for her job, just like when you play make-believe with your friends. Together, they brought Liam into this wonderful world. But Liam isn’t the only kid in his family.

He has brothers and sisters too, making his home full of laughter and fun times. They probably play games together, share stories, and help each other, just like your friends or cousins might do. Having a big family means there’s always someone to talk to and play with, making every day an adventure.


When it comes to having a special someone, Liam Costner keeps things pretty quiet. Just like how some secrets are fun to keep, Liam enjoys keeping his love life a secret tooThis means we don’t know if he has a girlfriend right now.

Liam believes that some things, like who you like or if you’re going out with someone, are personal and it’s okay to keep them to yourself.

Everyone has things they like to share and things they don’t, and for Liam, who he might be dating is something he likes to keep just between him and them. It’s like having a treasure chest; you don’t show everything inside it to everyone, only to those you choose.

Liam Costner Childern

Right now, Liam Costner doesn’t have any children of his own. He spends a lot of his time helping other families find their perfect homes, playing with dogs, and hanging out with his own family.

Liam has lots of brothers and sisters, so he gets to have fun being a big brother, which is a bit like practising for when he might have kids in the future.

He enjoys doing things like drawing, playing sports, and eating pizza with his family and friends. Liam loves making people happy, whether it’s through finding them a new house or just by being kind and fun to be around.

Liam Costner

Liam Costner Age height weight And physical appearance

 If you count on your fingers from that year to this year, you’ll know how old he is 28 years old.! He’s taller than most people you see in a grocery store, standing way up there like a basketball player.

Liam keeps himself healthy and strong, which is important when you’re showing families all those big houses. He has a smile that makes people feel welcome, and he dresses nicely when he’s working.He is tall 5 feet 11 inches.Her weight is 62kg.

His hair and eyes are just like any cool character you’d find in your favourite storybooks. When you look at him, you can tell he’s kind and ready to help people find their dream homes.

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Before fame

Before Liam Costner became known for helping people find their dream homes, he was a young boy growing up with his famous parents. Just like any kid, he went to school, played with his friends, and had hobbies he loved.

He wasn’t always the real estate agent we know today. Liam spent his days learning new things, having fun, and dreaming about what he wanted to be when he grew up. Even though his mom and dad were well-known, Liam had a pretty normal childhood, filled with laughter, games, and lots of learning.

Liam Costner career

Liam Costner has a cool job helping people find houses. He is a real estate agent, which means he shows families different homes until they find the one they love the most.

Imagine playing a big game of hide and seek, but instead of looking for friends, you’re searching for the best house! Liam loves his job because he gets to see people smile when they find their perfect home.

Every day, he meets new people and looks at lots of houses, trying to match them with the right family. It’s like making a happy puzzle fit together just right.

Liam Costner’s Net Worth

Liam Costner has made his own money by working hard in real estate, which means he helps people find homes where they can live and be happy. Even though he comes from a famous family, Liam wants to earn his own money.His net worth is $2millon.

People are curious about how much money he has because he’s doing a big job on his own. While the exact amount of Liam’s net worth (which is how much money he has after paying all his bills) isn’t publicly shared, it’s believed he’s doing quite well for himself.

In real estate, if you help lots of people find their homes, you can earn a good amount of money. Liam enjoys his job a lot and works hard every day to be successful.

Liam Costner’s plans and Projects

 He plans to keep helping families find their perfect homes. He loves seeing people smile when they get their new house keys. Liam also wants to learn more about building houses, so he can help even more.

He dreams of creating beautiful parks where families can play and have fun together. Liam is always thinking of new ways to make neighbourhoods better and happier for everyone. He’s excited to work on projects that make the world a nicer place to live.

Liam Costner Hobbies

  • **Playing with Dogs**: Liam thinks dogs are the best. He loves playing catch with them and giving them hugs. 
  • **Outdoor Sports**: When it’s sunny, Liam loves to be outside. He enjoys soccer and basketball the most because they are fun and keep him moving.
  • **Drawing**: With just some pencils and paper, Liam can make awesome pictures. He’s good at drawing houses and animals, making them look almost real!
  • **Eating Pizza**: Who doesn’t love pizza? Liam sure does! He would eat it every day if he could because it’s his number one favourite food.
  • **Helping Others**: Liam feels happy when he helps people find their perfect home. Seeing others happy makes him happy too.
  • **Family Time**: Spending moments with his family is special to Liam. He loves being around them and values the time they spend together.
  • **Being Kind**: Being nice to everyone is something Liam believes in strongly. He makes sure to be kind to all the people he meets.

Liam Costner Favrioute things

  • **Playing with Dogs**: Liam loves to play with dogs. He thinks they are the best buddies anyone could have. Whether it’s throwing a ball or just cuddling, he’s always happy around them. 
  • **Outdoor Sports**: On sunny days, you can find Liam outside playing sports. He enjoys kicking a soccer ball or shooting hoops in basketball. It’s fun and keeps him active.
  • **Drawing**: Give Liam some pencils and paper, and he’ll create amazing drawings. He’s especially good at drawing houses and animals. It’s like magic how he makes his pictures come to life!
  • **Eating Pizza**: Pizza is Liam’s top choice for food. If he could, he’d eat it every single day! It’s his absolute favourite.
  • **Helping Others**: Liam finds joy in helping people find their perfect home. It makes him super happy to see others happy in their new place.
  • **Family Time**: Spending time with his big family is something Liam cherishes a lot. It’s one of his favourite things to do.
  • **Being Kind**: For Liam, being kind is super important. He makes sure to be nice to everyone he meets. It’s a big part of who he is.

Interesting facts about Liam Costner

  • Liam loves animals, especially dogs.
  • He thinks they are the best friends you can have.
  • He enjoys playing outside, like soccer or basketball, when the weather is nice.
  • Liam is good at drawing.
  • He can make cool pictures of houses and animals.
  • His favourite food is pizza.
  • He could eat it every day if he could! Liam likes to help people find their dream homes.
  • It makes him super happy.
  • He has a big family, and spending time with them is one of his favourite things.
  • Liam thinks being kind is very important. He always tries to be nice to everyone.


What does Liam Costner do?

Liam works in selling houses, which means he helps people find new homes where they can live and make happy memories.

Who are Liam Costner’s mom and dad?

Liam’s dad is a famous actor named Kevin Costner, and his mom is an actress named Bridget Rooney.

How old is Liam Costner?

Liam was born on November 15, 1996, so you can figure out how old he is by subtracting 1996 from the current year.

Does Liam Costner have brothers or sisters?

Yes, Liam has siblings, but we talk more about them in another part of our story.

Is Liam Costner married?

We haven’t talked about that, so it’s a bit of a mystery!

What are some things Liam likes to do for fun?

While we didn’t dive into every hobby Liam enjoys, just like you, he has fun things he loves doing in his free time.


Alright, friends, we’ve reached the end of our journey of learning about Liam Costner. Isn’t it cool how he’s making his way in the world, even with a famous dad and mom? Liam shows us that no matter who your family is, you can choose your path and work hard at what you love.

From selling houses to enjoying his hobbies, he’s just like any of us, finding out what makes him happy and going for it. Remember, it’s important to be yourself and follow your dreams, just like Liam. Thanks for hanging out and learning with me today!

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